08 May 2007

A Small (Maybe) Rant

I had heard a rumor the other day that the artistic director of a company here, in A'ville, read the email of one of his employees and then confronted the employee with the info he had read there. Now, to be fair, the employee was using the AD's computer and hadn't physically logged out of the site, so when the AD went to the website, the wrong account came up. However, the email subject had the employee's name in it AND the AD had to actually click on the email to open it up. I was SHOCKED to have this rumor confirmed. Shocked in that the AD is a born-again Christian and is very vocal about his beliefs. His logo even has a cross in it with rays emanating from it...so his religion is prominently part of his daily life. BUT very few of his actions exemplify what I perceive to be Christian. Don't get me wrong, he's not an Asshole, per se, he's a hypocrite who seems to believe that, because he is one of the Chosen Ones, he can do whatever he wants and it's okay. I am completely confounded by this. In fact, I have more trouble with his way of manipulation because it's more underhanded and wimpy. It makes me just want to slap him! The thing that really makes me mad is that he takes up so much of my brain time. My anger does not affect him in any way and does nothing to make the situation better. This is something I will have to reflect on and find a way through.

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