26 May 2007

Paper or Plastic?

Went to the grocery store yesterday (I know, it's not Sunday. What's wrong with me? I ran out of food, that's what). And had this great cashier, Ashleigh, who asked me (they usually don't anymore) if I wanted paper or plastic. I told her paper and was curious to see how she would pack my groceries...she did a great job! $100 worth of groceries in 3, count 'em 3 bags! I'm sure that the same amount of groceries would have taken up at least 10 plastic bags not counting the ones that they had to double up because they will break if you put more than one can in them. I was very complimentary of her packing skills and left the store in a great mood. Funny how I can let something as trivial as plastic bags affect my mood. But they do. Oh, they do.

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