16 May 2007

Laying Groundwork

Pays off.
I've been trying to get out to WCU to give a workshop, mentor, what have you, for the past year. It was becoming really frustrating. However, persistence has paid off. I had a meeting today with Claire Eye, and adjunct professor (she was also the lead in my BFA Thesis show, Coastal Disturbances) and we both came away so excited about the prospect of forming a relationship with the school that we had a hard time shutting up about all the things I could do. I can't wait to get my hands on fresh, young students and mentor them about the "real world" and what to expect when being a theatre professional. One of my pet peeves with regards to the education I paid for out there is that I was never taught how to get a job. There were so many things lacking in my theatre education and I really wanted to be able to teach (tell) students what they are in for. YAY!

And another thing: I am now the Stage Manager for NC Stage Company here, in Asheville. Finally! I get to do my thing in a great theatre in Asheville! That won't start until until September, though, so I have to get a "real job" for the summer. If any of you know of anything out there, please let me know.

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