26 May 2008

My Second Favorite Bugs Bunny Cartoon

My favorite is
What's Opera Doc
. But Hillbilly Hare is a very close second. ENJOY:

23 May 2008


That's how I feel this week. Too many of my notions about myself are being challenged. And, while I understand how those notions are holding me back, it's very scary for me to let them go. If I'm not (fill in the blank), then who am I? I have spent over 40 years deciding who I am and what I believe and now I realize that I'm different from what I believed myself to be. The good news is that I get to really figure out what I want and who I AM and go out and create that person. And, Damn it! That's just what I'll do!

21 May 2008

2008 Darwin Award Nominee

Not a Shred of Sense
2008 Darwin Award Nominee
Unconfirmed by Darwin

The ambulance responded to a frantic call concerning a neighbor's trip through an industrial tree shredder. It seems the individual had decided to prune his own trees, rather than hire a professional. Why not? After all, the local shop rented shredders that could make quick work of yard debris, including tree limbs up to 8 inches in diameter.

To save time (those fateful words) the neighbor had placed the shredder at the base of a great oak tree, where he could drop branches directly into the hopper. He intended to cut off the top third of the oak, since it had been killed by lightning.

With the shredder running wide open, the neighbor climbed his ladder to the first tree branch, stepped off the ladder, slipped, and fell. The paramedics found him very dead, half in and half out of the shredder's hopper, one leg shredded to the hip.

Not married, no kids, removed self from the gene pool.

20 May 2008

It's been a while

I think of so many things to post, but I haven't made the time to sit down & type them....then the moment is gone.

Today I'm thinking about communication....it seems that I'm not necessarily as good at communicating as I thought I was. Or, rather, I'm really good at NOT communicating. I actually hide behind words and fill up space with meaningless details so that I can avoid real connection. It came as quite a blow.

And with that, I'll shut up.