26 November 2006

The Best Thanksgiving in a Long Time

This Thanksgiving was the best holiday that I've had in a long time. I was prepared, relaxed and had fun with my family. I was probably relaxed because I was so tired. We'd wrapped the movie at 2:00 am on Wednesday morning and my house looked like a catastrophe. So I cleaned some on Wednesday but I didn't get it completed. I had to get up at 6:00 am on Thanksgiving to clean, sweep, dust and mop the downstairs (don't even think about looking upstairs) and get myself ready for the first wave of family at 11:00 am. I don't know how I did it, but I did (I did make the banana pudding the night before and the hors d'oeuvres were simple). As a result, I was able to just tell everyone where to put the food.

I was "Mean Aunt Connie" though. I hid the remote control to the TV so that the boys (all ranging from age 21 to 55) wouldn't just come in and start watching football. I caught them trying to change the channel a couple of times (I had the TV on a satellite radio station) and had to make them talk to one another until after dinner. The amazing thing is that they did talk to each other--about football. After we ate I handed over the remote and all was well.

The World's Cutest Baby Boy was there. My Great-Nephew, Blayn. He's 15 months old now and still as cute as can be. He's going to be joined by cousin, Ella, in March. It's great to be able to really spoil the little ones and give them back. I feel like a real Aunt since I'm actually an adult while these little ones are babies.

Friday I went to work for a couple of hours and then stayed up late playing cards with my brother and his family. It's become a tradition that I really enjoy. The only game I know is Hand and Foot. Maybe I'll learn something new and teach it to everyone when we go to West VA for Christmas.

Saturday was spent eating a Deep Fried Turkey at Erik's family's house and spoiling 3 little ones that I have absolutely no connection with. Of course, E's family was making hints about us (I told them that we've had every relationship two people can have and we've settled on best friends) especially when the little one fell asleep on my shoulder. I was initiated into the pack when JC walked by a poked me with a stick. I'm part of the family now--Even though I have bee part of the family since 1980. Fun times were had by all. As you can see, Bailey Jewel had fun in the piles of leaves.

Today, I didn't do a darned thing. Resting up from the holiday and catching up on lost sleep. Tomorrow I hit the ground running again back at work at the Diana Wortham and getting ready for the Nutcracker.

I hope all of you had a great holiday.

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