29 November 2006

Are They Looking At My Butt?

There's a climbing wall at a local community center here. I thought it would be fun to look into taking a class, so I asked about it. They aren't giving classes yet, but will be doing so soon. And they will have a women only class in addition to a coed class. Now call me crazy, but if you're sweating and climbing and the only thing keeping you from hitting the ground if (or when) you fall is a person on the other end of the rope, wouldn't you want a sturdy man on the other end of that rope? I mean, who cares if he's looking at your butt? Everyone is looking at your butt! It's 15 feet in the air!

I think that I'm not typical in my thoughts towards exercise and, especially my thoughts toward doing something as new and exciting as climbing. My goal would be to learn to climb, get to the top and do it safely and well. I would be concentrating on where my feet and my hands are going not who is looking at my butt. And since when do men really care what our butt looks like, especially in that harness? It's not the most flattering thing in the world. He really only cares if it's naked or wrapped in lace panties. Otherwise it's just that stuff at the top of your legs; legs that are working really hard on finding that next foothold and keeping you from falling. So I say forget the women only classes and bring on the full-blown all men and women all the time wall climbing class!

26 November 2006

The Best Thanksgiving in a Long Time

This Thanksgiving was the best holiday that I've had in a long time. I was prepared, relaxed and had fun with my family. I was probably relaxed because I was so tired. We'd wrapped the movie at 2:00 am on Wednesday morning and my house looked like a catastrophe. So I cleaned some on Wednesday but I didn't get it completed. I had to get up at 6:00 am on Thanksgiving to clean, sweep, dust and mop the downstairs (don't even think about looking upstairs) and get myself ready for the first wave of family at 11:00 am. I don't know how I did it, but I did (I did make the banana pudding the night before and the hors d'oeuvres were simple). As a result, I was able to just tell everyone where to put the food.

I was "Mean Aunt Connie" though. I hid the remote control to the TV so that the boys (all ranging from age 21 to 55) wouldn't just come in and start watching football. I caught them trying to change the channel a couple of times (I had the TV on a satellite radio station) and had to make them talk to one another until after dinner. The amazing thing is that they did talk to each other--about football. After we ate I handed over the remote and all was well.

The World's Cutest Baby Boy was there. My Great-Nephew, Blayn. He's 15 months old now and still as cute as can be. He's going to be joined by cousin, Ella, in March. It's great to be able to really spoil the little ones and give them back. I feel like a real Aunt since I'm actually an adult while these little ones are babies.

Friday I went to work for a couple of hours and then stayed up late playing cards with my brother and his family. It's become a tradition that I really enjoy. The only game I know is Hand and Foot. Maybe I'll learn something new and teach it to everyone when we go to West VA for Christmas.

Saturday was spent eating a Deep Fried Turkey at Erik's family's house and spoiling 3 little ones that I have absolutely no connection with. Of course, E's family was making hints about us (I told them that we've had every relationship two people can have and we've settled on best friends) especially when the little one fell asleep on my shoulder. I was initiated into the pack when JC walked by a poked me with a stick. I'm part of the family now--Even though I have bee part of the family since 1980. Fun times were had by all. As you can see, Bailey Jewel had fun in the piles of leaves.

Today, I didn't do a darned thing. Resting up from the holiday and catching up on lost sleep. Tomorrow I hit the ground running again back at work at the Diana Wortham and getting ready for the Nutcracker.

I hope all of you had a great holiday.

Connie The Geek

We finished shooting at 11:30 pm on Tuesday, 11/21. Here are some pics of the actors. Above is Mischa Barton between takes. We were on top of a mountain in Maggie Valley, NC and it was rainy and freezing! She was a good sport about it all.
Michael Albanese is the one on the left. He was hanging out with one of our Transpo guys, Rodney, and Hanna, on of our fabulous PAs
Okay, this is me and Ellen. Ellen is the Locations Manager who took over when we started shooting. We worked really well together.
Ryan Kwanten was the lead in the picture. He was very gracious and friendly. He took the time to learn everyone's name and also made a point of saying good morning. He's a keeper. It was fairly early in the morning, so fogive his squinty eyes.

Here's where the ultimate geekdom comes in. I had to screw up my courage to ask Mr. Bridges if he would pose for a picture with me. He, also, was very gracious and kind.

11 November 2006

Even Stranger

I went to the beta blogger site and nothing that I have posted since the 4th is on there. But sometimes I can get the stuff I posted yesterday. I'm so confused. Maybe I should just go to bed.

If anyone can see the posts with the pictures from the film, please let me know.

Odd Happenings at E Blogger

I posted a bunch of pictures and a couple of other things yesterday and none of them have shown up yet. So, I'll repeat them and see what happens.

10 November 2006

Sunset and Field

I still was able to witness some beautiful scenery last week.

More Pics from Last Week

This is the back of the lighting Truck
Lauretta, our 2nd AD finishing up paperwork in the skanky motel we shot in. It was almost as bad as that Econo Lodge in Baltimore that we stayed in during Sunny Side.
Grip Truck..That's Paps and Jon. I'm not sure who's in the back
Pete the Wonder PA on Lockdown in the Hotel. He made sure no one went thru that door while the scene was going on
Nate waiting for Lauretta to tell him he could go home

Some Pics from Last Week

This is our RV/Truck Village. I took these two pics while on top of the parking garage where we were shooting last Sunday.

Joe and Drew, a couple of our Transpo guys. They get the vehicles where they need to be
That's me with the RVs and Mo Ho in the background.
This is Mischa's back getting ready for her stunt.

The Worst Day So Far

Was yesterday. Tensions were high, we were on top of a mountain in the cold and the rain and they couldn’t make up their minds where they wanted to shoot a scene. Then I locked my keys in my car. On top of it all, everyone decided that they wanted to do my job. Or, at least that’s how it felt to me. That, and that I couldn’t do anything right. Add to all that, getting yelled at by the Line Producer because he couldn’t follow the directions (he was the only one out of 60 people who missed the exit) and the 1st AD accusing me of being rude (She’s pretty inconsiderate herself) and I would say that I had a pretty miserable day. But I survived and didn’t quit and, as I kept saying to myself and anyone who would listen, “Tomorrow’s another day.”

More Film Abbreviations

Stinger = extension cord run from the generator by the Electrics

Crafty = The person who runs Craft Services

Scripty = Script Supervisor

Cube = A regular, rental-type box truck

Martini = The last shot of the day

04 November 2006

Fall Photo

I took this picture from Beaucatcher Mountain a couple of weeks ago. I was escaping the insanity and took a moment to look around. This is what I saw.

Film Abbreviations

Mo Ho=Motor Home (the BIG Hair and Makup Trailer)
DP=Director of Photography
PD=Production Designer
(these are pretty obvious except for the fact that the two of them work very closely in pre-production and I kept getting the abbreviations mixed up)
Jenny=generator--The BIG ASS generator that you can run an entire theatre full of lights off of
Putt-Putt=the baby generator that supplies power to trailers, etc when we can't get an outlet from the site
BG=Background or Extras in a scene
1st team=principle actors
2nd team=stand-ins

When I can think of more, I'll add them

Oh, and about the celebs: Mischa Barton is tall for a movie actress, I don't know her actual height, but she's almost as tall as me. And I'd be suprised if she weighs as much as 120. Skinny! She has an adorable puppy. I haven't met her, yet, but she seems nice.

Ryan is a really nice guy,too bad he's too young for me.

That's it for my day off.

Film...it's a different world

Well, it's 1:23 am on Wednesday Morning and I'm still on set. I was here at 6:00am and I still have a 45 minute drive home. We're having "“Transpo" problems. That means that there are 10 vehicles that have to get from one place to another and only 5 drivers. And those drivers have to go about 40 minutes round-trip. And, since I'm Locations, I'm the last one out. I have to wait until everyone is gone before I can leave, turn off the lights and be able to say that I left the place in good condition.

Needless to say, I'm a little grumpy about it.

Things are going a lot better for me now that we're actually shooting. Production is a lot like Tech, only longer and with TONS more stuff! There's the mad rush to get ready for rehearsal and then the waiting around for them to set the lights, then going with the scene and then doing it over again or moving on to another mad rush. One of the positive differences is that there is a constant supply of food. Sometimes it's good, sometimes it's bad. But food nonetheless.

I do have to say that everyone works really hard and there are no slackers at all on this picture. And, since I'm busy taking care of the physical location, I don't get the opportunity to see much of the acting, so I can't form an opinion on that. We have this nice guy named Ryan Kwanten and Mischa Barton comes tomorrow. Ja Rule is also in it and I think we're getting Bo Bridges to play the dad. So it should be interesting, to say the least.

Okay, I'm napping until the transpo team get here.

More on film abbreviations later.