10 March 2008

When it Rains it Pours

Sash is doing better, but I am 90% positive that she has injured her cruciate ligament. That means surgery. Yikes! And I just looked up a pet insurance policy that, had I taken out insurance on her, I would have saved about $200. But, I feel better because the surgery she will need isn't covered. Kind of a backward positive there, huh?

I can't seem to catch a break this week. First the car maintenance was more than I thought it would be, then Sash gets hurt. Okay, I can deal with those things. Then I'm at wort at the Box Office and my co-worker has to go away for a doctor's appointment. It's fairly slow and, of course I'll be okay by myself. Well, no sooner did he leave than I had 12 people lined up to purchase tickets and 4 lines lit up mostly with older people who don't know if they want to come to the show and could I tell them more about it.....

"What are the seats like on Sunday? Thursday? I can't hear you there's something noisy in the background."

"Yes, Sir. that's the screaming kid that REALLY wants to go to the Health Adventure, but I can't sell his mom a ticket because you have to repeat everything I say to your wife and you still don't trust me that the best seats I have are on Saturday at 2:00."

Then I get to the parking lot only to find that my car has been towed. I forgot to put the parking tag back in my car after it was in the shop. &40 later....but it was better than the $150 that it could have been.

I'm at the show and things are going well...I'm glad about that, but my head starts to fall off....suddenly, my sinuses started to ache and I was getting sick again. YUCK!

I fight off the Ick as best I can and feel good enough to clean up my kitchen this morning....as I'm letting out the water in the sink, I hear this strange "CLUNK"

Hmmmm I wonder what that noise was?

I look down and the floor is covered with water. Evidently, the pipe that connects the second sink to the main drain decided it just had to give up. It had been holding on by a thread for far too long and today was the day it just couldn't take it. A sink full of dirty dishwater dumped into the cabinet underneath and all over everything. I just had to laugh.

It was an easy fix....the ill-fitting pipe just went back to where it was and was tightened.....it's now working the same as it was before. I just have to keep an eye on it.


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