05 March 2008

Pets & Vets

Well, it happened today. Sash got away from me at home and got hurt. I don't think she was hit by a car, it looks more as if she tangled with something. Three of her legs have puncture wounds, scrapes or cuts and she can't put weight on the fourth. I found her limping up the road. I saw the blood and immediately took her to the vet.

By the way, All Pets Animal Hospital in Woodfin is a great place to take your pet. I didn't even call, I just walked in, told them about her and she was X-rayed, examined, morphined and ready to go home in an hour.

Nothing showed up on the X-ray, so we don't think anything is broken, but if she doesn't start putting weight on the back leg in a couple of days, I have to take her back for more extensive tests.

Right now, she's doped up on Morphine and sleeping in the doorway. She really wanted to go upstairs where she usually sleeps but couldn't climb the stairs. Poor thing. I wasn't going to help her up because that would mean that I would have to help her down. Now, while I'm in pretty good shape, I don't want to make a habit of carrying a 60 pound dog up and down the stairs. So now she has to be content with sleeping downstairs---at least until I go to bed tonight.

I'll keep posting her progress. Send good thoughts.

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