02 August 2007

I Already See Results

I've been on my heath program for a week and a half now. Since my scales are wonky, I'm not sure how much weight I've lost, but according to the scales at the gym, I've lost 2 lbs since Monday. Two people have already noticed and I'm just amazed. The difficulty in the program is in the planning out my day and the gobs of food I eat.

I'm having a little trouble with the concept of how I'm eating. I eat 5 small meals a day. Each one has a protein & a carb (the good ones of both). Some days I look a the food I've prepared and say, "Oh god, please. I really don't want to eat anymore." It's a weird thing to learn that you have to eat to lose weight. And I've been eating real food. None of these shakes! UGH! I do eat a high protein meal bar for one of my snacks, but that's about it. Otherwise, REAL food. And I think that has a lot to do with my progress. My body actually knows how to handle chicken and beef and fish. It knows how to deal with complex carbs when combined with the protein. It's working well and processing the way it should be.

Now I have to get over needing a nap twice a day.

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