27 June 2007

Did a Hiking Group Meet Here?

It's summertime in Asheville. A time for tourists and people who haven't a clue as to the general culture of the town. I was walking to my car in the parking lot of the grocery store and this woman stepped out of her Lexus and asked me if a hiking group met here because she saw so many people who looked like hikers. It took me a minute to realize that she wasn't asking because she was one of the hikers but because everyone was dressed like we always dress--expensive, comfortable shoes, cargo shorts, t-shirts and some sort of pack hanging off of some part of our body and sometimes a bug-proof, sunscreen hat. I told her that I didn't think there was a group meeting here and welcome to Asheville. She was a bit perplexed.

Something Has Gone Terribly Awry

Okay, so I spend too much time watching television. I'll admit that.

There was a commercial for cellulite cream on today. And as I watched, I realized that the models in this commercial were teenagers with really skinny legs. I suppose the message is meant to be that, if you use this cellulite cream that you will have skinny, young legs. A bit outrageous, don't you think? But then I realized that another perspective was that when the teenagers and twenty-somethings see this commercial they'll think that, since their legs aren't long and skinny, they must have something wrong with them and they need this cream. What are we teaching our daughters?

I'll admit that I gaze longingly at the youthful skin in short shorts and mini skirts that I see downtown. And wish I appreciated my young skin when I had it. It's not bad now...Just not as resilient as it used to be---the pillow marks on my face take longer to fade in the mornings than they used to. It makes me understand that I didn't have a clear perspective about myself when I was young. So much of our society focuses on beauty and commercials send messages that we are not perfect and, therefore, ugly or worthless. I wish we could, somehow, move away from that perspective and really allow ourselves to see who we and each other really are and know that we are always perfect.

24 June 2007

Have you ever noticed

That the theme music for Kentucky Fried Chicken is "Sweet Home Alabama"?

Being a Friend

I have a friend who seriously needs some therapy. She has absolutely no self-esteem and tries to fill herself up with food and objects. She's smart and funny but never seems to be satisfied with her life. And when it doesn't work out the way she thinks it should, she changes her surroundings...not herself. I am constantly amazed at how it is always someone else's fault. She has so much pain inside that she lives in constant fear of letting it go...she's had it for so long what would she be then? I think it's part of her identity and if that pain goes away she wouldn't know what to do with herself. The worst part, for me, is that I only hear from her when she's alienated everyone else in her life or the people in her life aren't telling her what she wants to hear. It can be so frustrating. I have told her more than once that she needs therapy and she always finds excuses as to why it won't work for her...it's because she leaves as soon as they start getting at the truth. I truly wish she could find some help and find a way to be happy. And I know that I can't find it for her. It really breaks my heart.

12 June 2007

Christians Annexing Jewish Food

I was in the grocery store today.--How many of my posts start with that sentence? --And came across a product that made me do a double-take and then laugh out loud. In fact, I laughed about it in numerous aisles as I shopped which, as usual, caused shoppers to give me concerned glances and a wide berth.

What caused this outburst? Separate from the kosher foods which, by the way, is in the International Food aisle, was something very similar to matzo: BIBLE BREAD!!!!

Made based on the recipe in the Book of Exodus.

Good Lord!

05 June 2007

Letter Writing

I've found an outlet for my need to write letters. REAL Letters that go through the postal service and are delivered to mailboxes and everything.

There's this website called The Letter Project. Rick started it because he enjoys writing letters and knows how fun it is to get real mail. So all you have to do is request a letter and he'll write one to you. I first saw his link on Post Secret and the idea really intrigued me. So I sent him a book of stamps (if you want to help out, that's a really good way to do it) and asked if he needed help writing. As it turns out he did. And, after a 45 minute phone interview, he agreed to let me be one of the few people who gets to write letters to those who request them. Cool, huh? I have written 4 letters so far and have a goal of at least 5 to 7 letters a week. There is a backlog of thousands of requests, so that's only a drop in the bucket. It's really an exercise in creative writing and also gives me a chance to improve my penmanship.

01 June 2007

"Halfpint! Get in the wagon!"

Yes, I watch Little House every once in a while. When it was on in prime time I would plop myself in the floor in front of the TV every Monday night with my box of tissues. I wanted to be Laura, especially when she got older and married Almonzo. He was soooooo cute! I seem to remember that my first boyfriend, Kurt, looked a little like Almonzo.

So, when surfing, I will find myself stopping to watch Little House and reliving some wonderful memories.

And sometimes getting a good laugh.