25 September 2007

Anxiety Dreams

It's always so obvious to me when I'm feeling anxious. I have very vivid dreams that leave no room for doubt. I first started understanding them back in 1993 and they were very vivid in '97 when I was going through some major life changes. They have been a compass since.

Today I start rehearsals for Macbeth and have spent the past few days prepping for the rehearsal. I thought I had my ducks in a row until I realized that I lost the keys to the rehearsal hall....I mean LOST. They fell off my keyring sometime between Thursday and yesterday and they can be anywhere.

I will be getting some new keys, but it set in motion my chain of anxiety dreams. This morning I dreamed that I kept stepping on the scales and they kept giving me crazy numbers like 300 or 50. I changed scales and the same thing happened. Suddenly there were tons of scales and none of them would give me a weight that was even remotely close to the actual. It all stems from my fear of giving inaccurate information to my cast and director...I don't want to be the scale that is 200 pound off and, so I strive to find the real answer and in some instances, a ballpark would suffice and would waste less time.

So there! I sometimes look forward to my dreams because they tell me what is going on in my head, really, instead of what I think is going on in there.

Hey! It's cheaper than therapy!

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