03 July 2007

My new Favorite Sculptor

I really like Rodin. When I go to the Metropolitan Museum in NY, I run to the Rodin gallery and stand in front of his work and just weep. The one that always touches me the most is The Hand Of God:
BUT, last night I was watching The Power of Art on PBS an discovered Gian Lorenzo Bernini. I don't think I would be able to stay on my feet should I look at these sculptures in person. Here is his Apollo & Daphne. Just as Apollo catches Daphne, the gods grant her wish of salvation and turn her into a tree.
Of course, photos on a computer don't do them any justice. However, I am constantly amazed at how true artists can make marble--solid stone--take on life. Look like living, human flesh. And here's the piece he's most famous for:

The Ecstasy of St. Theresa.

Her robes look like satin caught in the action of falling back down around her body and the expression on her face is one of pure rapture. She is real. We feel as if we have walked in on something we shouldn't have, like we are voyeurs on a private, passionate moment between Theresa and the Angel.

I now have to start saving my pennies to make sure I get to Rome before I die. I have to see these sculptures in person.

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